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It's a wrap! Let's do a re-cap.

After 11 weeks of semester 2, we have finally reached the final entry of the blog! It has been a great journey of sharing and discussing on the topics that I have written, not to mention the amount of knowledge that I have gained. This is truly one of the most enjoyable way to interact and deal with our thoughts. Through out these past weeks, I have learnt so many things in EDU456 from our beloved lecturer Dr Norazah. Some of the things that I love in this subject is how I can learn about things that I once don't know ever existed. It's fun to actually experience it and giving it a try.  Writing entries in a blog is not a ew thing for me since I have had experience writing one. But the topics that I am discussing in most of the entries are definitely new to me. Some of the new knowledge that I think will be useful for me in the future is learning on how to use tools that have already existed in my laptop such as the Microsoft. I do know how to use these platform, but Dr Norazah...

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